ART: Remembrance Day - In Flanders Fields
After reading a book and watching a video about Remembrance Day, the significance of the poppy and the poem In Flanders Fields, we created oil pastel drawings that were hung up during the Remembrance Day Assembly. We discussed the technique of foreground, middleground and background.
MATH: Mode, Median, Range and
Double Bar Graphs
We are continuing with our Data Management unit. Students are very excited to survey their friends and create their own bar graphs. We are discussing the important features of graphs and using success criteria checklists to make sure we have included everything. We also looked at how to calculate the Mode, Median and Range. Students worked collaboratively with a partner to solve the Mode, Median and Range for a set of data. Some students took on the challenge of figuring out how to calculate the Mean, while exploring an online game.

LANGUAGE: A Boy Called Bat
Can you persuade me?
There have been 2 parts of this story so far that the class had some strong opinions about. One of the parts was when we learned that at Bat's school, they have a philosophy of going out to play in rain, shine or snow. The other part was that Bat has a class pet. Students picked one of those topics and then wrote a letter trying to convince the reader of their opinion. We have written rough drafts so far and are in the editing stage to complete our final copies. Stay tuned to see if anyone can convince me to get a class pet for Portable 1!
Let's learn about skunks (STEM Challenge)
This week we also began the design stage of creating a carrie for the baby skunk (kit). Students have drawn their plans after learning about what a kit needs in order to be comfortable. Moving forward, students will have the chance to create an actual carrier using recycled materials.
Here are some pictures the students took of their carrier designs.
SCIENCE: Rock Cycle Posters
Here are a few of the final Rock Cycle Posters.
We started working on our final Rocks and Minerals project this week. Students will be working in small groups to create a music video which will include all the important information they learned during this unit. Get excited to see the final products!
DANCE: Any Dream Will Do
We have had 2 practices so far with Sarina and Sheila to prepare for our Holiday Concert. Students have been working hard to learn the words and dance moves!