Monday, December 17, 2018

December 1st-16th

Provinces and Territories of Canada
We began our Social Studies unit by looking at the Provinces and Territories of Canada. Students learned a few songs, coloured a map of Canada and completed a mini research project. The class was read the book Carson Crosses Canada, where a lady and her dog travel across Canada. The class discussed some of the similarities and differences each Province/Territory has. Working in pairs, students used online sources and books to research one Province or Territory. They researched population, climate, physical regions, lang size, wildlife, major cities, employment opportunities, natural resources and tourist opportunities. Once they gathered the information they created a poster. 

ART: Learning Buddy Holiday Cards

This week the class used paint and q-tips to create a holiday card for their Learning Buddy. While the paint was drying, they wrote a special note which they later glued to the inside. 

LANGUAGE: Holiday Read Alouds

It has been great to see so many students bringing in holiday books to share with their class. We have heard some classics and enjoyed listening to a few new books as well. Looking forward to listening to more read alouds this week!

HEALTH: Canada's Food Guide 
Healthy Eating
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing Canada's Food Guide and Healthy Eating. Students tracked the food they ate for a week, and determined the different food groups their meals were a part of. Last week, Lucie (Sarah's Mom) came in to talk to us about Canada's Foods Guide in more detail, and the importance of reading labels of the foods we are eating. Students compared healthy and unhealthy meal choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Lucie also explained how we can use our hand to determine portion sizes. Later in the week, we had a great discussion after watching a video on Food Myths. We learned how much sugar is in Nutella and how a can of soup that was labelled as "healthy", actually contained the same amount of sodium as a bowl of chips! 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

November 19th-30th

The class has been continuing with our Data Management Unit. We recently learned how to collect and display data on a Stem and Leaf Plot. Students chose a question, surveyed their friends, displayed their data and explained what information you can learn from their Stem and leaf Plot.

The class has really been enjoying spending time with their Kindergarten Learning Buddies. Last week we performed out Holiday Concert songs to each other and then they worked together using their Chromebooks to create and solve word searches. This week the Grade 4's helped their buddy with a measurement activity.

DRAMA: Boy Called Bat Tableaux
Students worked in groups to create tableaux of important scenes from our class novel study of a A Boy Called Bat. Students took pictures of their tableaux and explained why they thought that was an important part of the book so far.

ART: Stained Glass Trees
This week we looked at some pictures of stained glass and discussed where we might find stained glass art in our everyday lives (i.e. windows, doors, churches). Students had the creative choice to paint their background with watercolour any colour or pattern they wanted. While that was drying, they cut small squares of tissue paper and glued it on to paper, to create their "stained glass", by overlapping colours. Next, they cut out triangles as the trees and used their knowledge of foreground, middleground and background to place the different sized trees on their painted watercolour paper. Finally, they added hole punches to represent snow and added branches with oil pastel. The final products have been hung up in our portable to add some holiday cheer!