Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 6th-22nd


The class has been exploring different forms of poetry over the past few weeks. We have worked as a whole group to discover patterns in poems, followed by independently writing our own poems. Last week we focused on Cinquain poems. In small groups, students brainstormed synonyms and adjectives for "ice cream". They then worked on writing sentences that matched the syllable patterns for a cinquain poem. Finally, we brought all of our ideas and wrote a collaborative class poem!

After reading the book A Shelter in our Car, the class discussed what "home" means to them, followed by writing their our independent cinquain poem on the topic of "home". Here are a few of their poems:

We have recently created a variety of art pieces which the class has really enjoyed! 
I wish we had more space on our walls to display all their creations! 

Roll A Landscape

After learning about the different landscapes during our Social Studies unit about Canada, the class used dice, a rolling guide, pencils and pencil crayons to create unique landscapes. Students used their previous knowledge of foreground, middleground and background to draw different objects the appropriate sizes. First they completed their rolls and made a rough copy to lay their landscapes out, followed by a good copy. 

Valentine's Day Art

Using black construction paper, gold and silver permanent markers, watercolour paper, and the "ziplock bag water colour technique", we created some really beautiful and unique pieces of art. Students first cut out a heart and traced it onto their black construction paper. Next, they used gold and silver markers to outline the shape of the heart using different patterns, lines textures and designs. Finally, they coloured ziplock bags with markers and sprayed water to create "watercolour paint" and stamped their heart. 

2D Geometry Stained Glass Windows

Our Teacher Candidate, Miss. Snyder-Penner planned a great art/math lesson this week. Incorporating what the class has recently been learning about 2D Geometry (Congruent vs. Similar Shapes), the class created stained glass windows using black construction paper, shape stencils, tissue paper and glue. The class was challenged to create a stained glass window that included the follow specific shapes: 

One pair of congruent shapes
- One pair of similar shapes
- A quadrilateral
- A pentagon
- A hexagon
- An octagon


We have started our new unit of Geometry. We began by reviewing 2D shapes and their characteristics (i.e., number of sides). We have compared shapes based on their similarities and differences such as parallel lines, perpendicular lines and intersecting lines. We also compare congruent and similar shapes. 

What kind of math do you notice in this quilt?

The class played a fun game called "Congruent Shape Battleship"! Each student had a 1cm grid whiteboard labelled with coordinates. One student secretly drew a shape on their board. Next, their partner had to guess different coordinates, trying to recreate the shape based on "hits" or "misses".

SCIENCE: Habitats

We have also just begun our new Science unit, Habitats. Students activated their prior knowledge of animal classifications by first watching a video followed by playing "Animal Classification Jeopardy". The students had a really great time playing this game and worked collaboratively with their group!

Here are some of the questions:

Reactions to getting a correct answer!

Last week, students selected an animal for their research project. This week we will begin researching and creating a slideshow presentation with information such as, animal classification, adaptations, and human impacts.