ART: Half Self Portraits
Students worked with pencils, pencil crayons and sharpies to create a "Half Self Portrait". They were careful to make sure the proportions were accurate and were very creative when designing their names and backgrounds.
LANGUAGE: Narrative Stories
We have been discussing elements of narrative stories. We started a whole class novel study reading the book A Boy Called Bat. Students will be read aloud a chapter at a time, followed up completing some work based on what has been read. Last week we took at look at Idioms and how they add to the story.

SCIENCE: Sorting Rocks
This week we received a special delivery of "rocks"! Students worked in groups to sort the "rocks" in to the 3 different kinds of rocks (Metamorphic, Sedimentary and Igneous). They discussed with each other the different characteristics of the "rocks" and why they believed they belonged in each group. Oh my was it tempting to eat these delicious "rocks"!
This week we met our Learning Buddies for the first time! We are paired up with Miss. Atwal's Kindergarten class. Throughout the year we will be visiting this class and participating in a variety of activities (i.e. reading, art activities, STEM challenges). This week students worked with their buddy to complete a "Buddy Book", which helped them get to know each other. The class is excited to take on a leadership role.
SCIENCE: Rock Research
Student's each selected a rock and determined which kind of rock they had by using books and websites. After completing more research about their rock over the next week (i.e. how it is formed, how we use this rock), students will use the app Chatterpix to teach the class about their rock
ART: Mindful Colouring
This week the class was introduced to Mindful Colouring. With the lights low and meditative music playing, students focused on completing their "Dazzling Pattern" creations. We discussed the benefits that Mindful Colouring has on our minds and bodies.